Core Functions Of The Human Resource Department
Since an organization is built up by its employees, the Human Resource must take good care of them. Using the correct HR functions means that your employees and team members are happy, growing, and productive. Nowadays, organizations are becoming more people-
centric, resulting in enhanced employee performance and lower attrition rates, contributing significantly to the overall business. Thus, making the role of HR managers is even more necessary. The organization will grow and expand when the employees grow their existing skill set.
Core HR functions include job analysis and design, hiring and selecting, training and development, compensation and benefits, succession planning, employee engagements, and others. Let us look at six core HR functions.
HR Functions
1. Human Resource Planning
One of the major functions of the HR department is to plan out strategies and ideas for the organization to grow and expand. It needs robust planning and considers factors like globalization, technological advances, law fluctuations, job quits, company policy amendments, diversifying goods and services, and hiring.
2. Selection and Recruitment
It is essential to find the right candidate, attract them, engage them and select them for positions that drive business growth and development. Employing the required sourcingstrategies and channels makes it possible to attract qualified and high-potential candidates.With the use of technology, HR can have the leverage to conduct advanced recruitment tools for different stages in the recruitment process.
3. Performance Management
This encompasses a set of tools that provide 360-degree feedback in which the team, senior managers, subordinates, and customers offer insights into employee performance. This system proves to be beneficial in the long run as it boosts employee and organizational performance, improves productivity, overcomes communication hurdles, mitigates conflicts, saves time, ensures consistent performance, and leads to lesser resignations.
4. Learning and Development
Encouraging employees to widen their skill set for their career advancement by employing a learning management system is an essential responsibility of HR teams. It increases productivity, generates positive attitudes towards work, facilitates better communication and promotes career growth of the individual on a personal level. The benefits of promoting organizational learning and development boost employee performance and job quality,encourage creativity, improve risk management, and reduce employee turnover rates.
5.Rewards and Recognition
Understanding employee value and contributions to the organization's growth are crucial. Employees feel their work when the requisite appreciation is given to them at the right time.It includes incentives like salary raises, bonuses, extra time off, etc. it also has promotions,accolades, job security, and more. These rewards increase employee productivity, and profitability, retain top talent, foster an interactive work environment, strengthen employee motivation, and create a positive workspace.
6.Employee Engagement
This is also one of the fundamental principles of HR that have gained immense popularity over the years. It has a direct impact on the employee turnover rate. Simply stated, it can be defined as the extent to which employees are satisfied and passionate about their job. It is for the employees to feel dedicated and committed to the job and deliver their best. And engaged employee always returns good benefits to the organization by producing high-quality work.
To conclude, human resourcing is a thorough job that empowers the employees to leverage the employees strengths for organizational growth. An HR professional must have a wide range of skill set to effectively perform the key HR functions. Therefore, these six fundamental core functions are necessary for every HR professional to serve in the organization to merge the organizations interests with the individual interests of the workers.
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